

Find the right plan for you

All coach­ing plans are per­son­al­ized to your needs and your goals.  Coach­ing starts with a min­i­mum 3 month com­mit­ment to sup­port you to get clar­i­ty, con­fi­dence and momen­tum to step into your big­ger vision. 


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$ 1125  Month­ly
  • Deep dive on your needs and goals (dis­cov­ery ses­sion 90 mins) 
  • 3 ses­sions — 60 mins 
  • Ses­sion recap emails detail­ing key learn­ings and next step accountabilities 
  • Sup­port between coach­ing sessions 
  • Per­son­al­ized Coach­ing Report 
  • 1 pri­vate vir­tu­al alter­nate health modal­i­ty month­ly (breath work, med­i­ta­tion, guid­ed visu­al­iza­tions, sound bath, rei­ki, etc.) 
  • Gifts and resources through­out cus­tomized to your journey 
White Glove 


Enter your description 
$ 625  Month­ly
  • Deep dive on your needs and goals (dis­cov­ery ses­sion 90 mins) 
  • 2 ses­sions — 60 mins 
  • Ses­sion recap emails detail­ing key learn­ings and next step accountabilities 
  • Sup­port between coach­ing sessions 
  • Per­son­al­ized Coach­ing Report 


Enter your description 
$ 475  Month­ly
  • Deep dive on your needs and goals (dis­cov­ery ses­sion 90 mins) 
  • 2 ses­sions — 45 mins 
  • Sup­port between coach­ing sessions 
Train­ing Hours
1 +
Hap­py Clients
1 +
1 %
1 %


You Can

Sup­port­ing ambi­tious women in all aspects of life to:

  • Let go of old patterns
  • Bring in new ways of thinking
  • Going deep into what empow­ers you to flourish

Career Changes

“Kate is the quin­tes­sen­tial coach and thought-pro­vok­er. I reached out to Kate dur­ing a point in my career where I was unsure of my next move and need­ed help nav­i­gat­ing through the noise and she was able to pro­vide the assur­ance I was missing. 

Her rein­force­ment and con­sis­tent sup­port was tai­lored to my obsta­cles and her strate­gic coach­ing allowed me to con­sid­er oppor­tu­ni­ties I nev­er would have thought of oth­er­wise. I’d rec­om­mend Kate to any career pro­fes­sion­al, regard­less of senior­i­ty, as she has the abil­i­ty to con­nect on a per­son­al lev­el while deliv­er­ing out­stand­ing clar­i­ty and mean­ing­ful­ness. 5 stars!”

Dar­i­ja A. — 


“Kate was incred­i­ble to work with. She has a way of hold­ing space that allowed me to bring so much to the sur­face. Rather than ana­lyz­ing and pre­scrib­ing a for­mu­la for me to fol­low based on what came up dur­ing our con­ver­sa­tions, she led me through ques­tions that allowed me to be curi­ous and inter­est­ed in what was present.  What tran­spired through­out our coach­ing was trans­for­ma­tive for me. Com­mit­ting time to work on myself with Kate pro­vid­ed me with the space to allow things in my life to shift. Kate helped me shift them and expand into some­thing big­ger.  She is kind, com­pas­sion­ate, able to hold space and also push you to get curi­ous to what’s present for you in the moment and how to work with it to grow and evolve.”

— Jen A. 

Business Start Ups

“Kate is your ulti­mate guide to find­ing and achiev­ing your own unique def­i­n­i­tion of suc­cess. She believes in your poten­tial and will cheer you on every step of the way. In each ses­sion she takes you on a jour­ney to reveal the sides of your­self that you’ll need to reach your goals on your own. When this jour­ney ven­tures out­side of your com­fort zone, Kate’s right there along­side you, lead­ing you for­ward with con­fi­dence and coach­ing exper­tise. Work­ing with Kate is an adven­ture of self-explo­ration well worth taking!” 

— Lind­say M.

Influencer & Entrepreneurs

“Coach­ing with Kate was more than I bar­gained for in all the right ways. I left all of our ses­sions feel­ing like I was improv­ing on a mind, body and soul lev­el. While still mov­ing for­ward in a prac­ti­cal sense with my goals, being held account­able to myself and feel­ing like things were improv­ing in ways I would­n’t have imagined. 

I can’t rec­om­mend her enough, her ener­gy is infec­tious and her approach to coach­ing is like noth­ing I have tried before.”

— Francesca B.


“Kate is an active lis­ten­er and cre­ates a safe, judge­ment-free space dur­ing her coach­ing ses­sions. She has an uncan­ny abil­i­ty to clear­ly put into words exact­ly how you are feel­ing, even if you aren’t able to artic­u­late those ideas your­self. I walked away from our ses­sion feel­ing open, inspired and ready for the next step. Kate clear­ly out­lines prac­ti­cal, man­age­able strate­gies that I could imple­ment mov­ing for­ward and made the whole expe­ri­ence feel upbeat and per­son­al­ized. She is intu­itive and gen­uine­ly pas­sion­ate about coach­ing. Her ener­gy is infectious!”

— Danielle N.

Corporate Leadership

Thank you so much Kate for all your help and sup­port dur­ing our 6 months of lead­er­ship coach­ing. This was a great oppor­tu­ni­ty for me to devel­op my lead­er­ship capa­bil­i­ties and exam­ine what type of leader I want to be. You have empow­ered me with the knowl­edge and resources to help me achieve my goals!” 

‑Mar­ci V. 

Corporate with dreams of new business ventures

“Kate radi­ates pos­i­tive ener­gy that is very authen­tic. I instant­ly felt com­fort­able with telling her about myself short­ly after we met. It felt like I was talk­ing to my best friend dur­ing our ses­sions. Before I start­ed the coach­ing rela­tion­ship, I didn’t think I need­ed a coach since I already have goals and aspi­ra­tions. This mind­set quick­ly shift­ed as Kate’s val­ue became crys­tal clear after the first ses­sion. Coach­ing gave me a bet­ter sense of self-aware­ness and self-com­pas­sion that result­ed in improve­ments with rela­tion­ships – whether it be with my boyfriend, broth­er, col­leagues, or myself!”
- Elaine T.

Supporting Confidence in Emerging Leaders

“In a short peri­od of time coach­ing has helped me iden­ti­fy issues affect­ing my con­fi­dence, and made me real­ize that I con­trol my thoughts and influ­ence my mind­set.  Hav­ing Kate as a coach allowed me to learn about myself in a com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent way and helped me access aware­ness that I didn’t know I had. I wouldn’t con­sid­er myself an intro­spec­tive per­son and I was able to tap into this part of myself.  Kate always led me to answer my own ques­tions.  Know­ing the answers came from me made me real­ize that I have the abil­i­ty to deep­en my self-aware­ness and that I am in choice with my account­abil­i­ties.  Now I under­stand most of my lim­i­ta­tions are cre­at­ed by my own uncon­struc­tive thoughts and that I have the abil­i­ty to con­scious­ly shift my mind­set, to build on my self-worth and confidence.” 

— Lia F. 

Corporate Leadership for women to excel to higher levels

“Kate encour­aged me and helped me be account­able, while also chal­leng­ing and bring­ing aware­ness to my words when need­ed.  I was guid­ed through thought pro­vok­ing con­ver­sa­tions, real­iza­tions and con­cepts that I will keep with me for­ev­er.  I rec­om­mend Kate’s coach­ing to every­one — what bet­ter invest­ment than in yourself!”

— Tejal M. 

Notes from Clients — Founder/CEO

“Last night felt tru­ly mag­i­cal you are so gift­ed and incred­i­ble at your job!!! Thanks again for tak­ing the time to work with me I real­ly feel so clear and excit­ed about where I’m head­ed and how I know how to get there.” — Lind­say K. 

Notes from Clients —
Employee turned Founder

“It’s hap­pen­ing! Three months ear­li­er than I planned. I resigned from my job and am ready to hit the ground run­ning to work for myself full time. EEEE! I have to admit, I was ner­vous when you told me to put a date to things but I think hav­ing a rough date in my head real­ly held me account­able and made me real­ized I have to do it. Just want­ed to say thank you, your coach­ing inspired me more than you know!” — Rachel M.

(Vis­it­ed 369 times, 1 vis­its today)