Cookie Policy

This site uses cook­ies — small text files that are placed on your machine to help the site pro­vide a bet­ter user expe­ri­ence. In gen­er­al, cook­ies are used to retain user pref­er­ences, store infor­ma­tion for things like shop­ping carts, and pro­vide anonymised track­ing data to third par­ty appli­ca­tions like Google Ana­lyt­ics. As a rule, cook­ies will make your brows­ing expe­ri­ence bet­ter. How­ev­er, you may pre­fer to dis­able cook­ies on this site and on oth­ers. The most effec­tive way to do this is to dis­able cook­ies in your brows­er. We sug­gest con­sult­ing the Help sec­tion of your brows­er or tak­ing a look at the About Cook­ies web­site which offers guid­ance for all mod­ern browsers

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