Kate’s Latest Blog Post

If not now, then when?

It’s 100% human nature to have hes­i­ta­tion. This is also your inner crit­ic sup­port­ing you to STAY in your com­fort zone by keep­ing to sta­tus quo. Are you think­ing, “coach­ing sounds real­ly inter­est­ing and I WANT to do it.…but…” It’s too expensive…
  • A shift in mind­set and a focus on you is price­less, you will nev­er be dis­ap­point­ed in invest­ing and learn­ing about your­self. Besides, how much was that new t‑shirt or din­ner out last Sat­ur­day night? Isn’t it weird how our spend­ing gets tighter when it comes to things less tan­gi­ble like “self care”? A focus on you and your vision is worth every sin­gle pen­ny.  Your learn­ings from coach­ing will be invalu­able and your self dis­cov­ery and new aware­ness will be life-long.
Now is not the right time…
  • Tim­ing is impor­tant. What is more impor­tant is under­stand­ing per­ceived road­blocks placed in front of you to keep you safe. If you are feel­ing called to know your­self more deeply, the tim­ing is now. Step into your courage and start cre­at­ing your new story.
I can’t change…
  • This is the biggest myth. If you want some­thing and are will­ing to put in the work and time, you can cre­ate a new real­i­ty.  If you want more and you know there is a dif­fer­ent track for you than your cur­rent sit­u­a­tion, I am here to sup­port you.
(Vis­it­ed 17 times, 1 vis­its today)

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