Doing vs. Being

Find­ing your­self out of balance?

Visu­al­ize a bal­anc­ing scale. Self-check on how bal­anced your scales are on “being” vs. “doing”. Which way does the scale tip?

All peo­ple, regard­less of gen­der iden­ti­ty have fem­i­nine “being” and mas­cu­line “doing” ener­gies. If you are feel­ing over­whelm or just ‘blah’, like­ly you are too far in one energy.

As our soci­ety always splits things into polar­i­ties (i.e. good/bad, yes/no, black/white, man/woman), there is a lim­it­ing belief that there is more val­ue in doing (i.e. the hus­tle, being too busy, etc. OR the inter­nal pres­sure that you aren’t doing enough, that you are lazy). No won­der so many of us are vic­tims to burnout.

It is time to place our fem­i­nine ener­gies as the pri­or­i­ty. It’s time for us to go inward where the empha­sis is on car­ing for self and oth­ers, com­pas­sion, under­stand­ing and love.

✨We need to sur­ren­der and release the con­trol of out­comes vs. con­trol what’s in & out of our control
✨We need to get clos­er to our inner wis­dom vs. com­par­ing our­selves to others
✨We need to lead with our hearts and our intu­ition vs. only using our rational/logical brain
✨We need to take a walk in nature, embrace our cre­ativ­i­ty and lit­er­al­ly CHILL OUT vs. putting things like this on the back burn­er to do errands, write emails or get anoth­er thing off the to-do list

Wish­ing every­one a won­der­ful week­end full of being, relax­ing and choos­ing to lean in to our fem­i­nine ener­gies♥️.

(Vis­it­ed 18 times, 1 vis­its today)

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