Kate's Blog

Kate’s Latest Blog Post

If not now, then when? It’s 100% human nature to have hes­i­ta­tion. This is also your inner crit­ic sup­port­ing you to STAY in your com­fort zone by keep­ing to sta­tus quo. Are you think­ing, “coach­ing sounds real­ly inter­est­ing and I WANT to do it.…but…” It’s too expen­sive… A shift in mind­set and a focus on you is price­less, you will nev­er be dis­ap­point­ed in invest­ing and… 

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Doing vs. Being

Find­ing your­self out of bal­ance? Visu­al­ize a bal­anc­ing scale. Self-check on how bal­anced your scales are on “being” vs. “doing”. Which way does the scale tip? All peo­ple, regard­less of gen­der iden­ti­ty have fem­i­nine “being” and mas­cu­line “doing” ener­gies. If you are feel­ing over­whelm or just ‘blah’, like­ly you are too far in one ener­gy. As our soci­ety always splits things into polar­i­ties (i.e. good/bad, yes/no,…

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Self-love is the basis for self-improvement

There’s a quandary I hear peo­ple talk about a lot in the self-improve­­ment world which goes some­thing like this: “Should I keep try­ing to change, or should I just learn to love myself?” The peo­ple pos­ing this ques­tion almost invari­ably feel ter­ri­ble about them­selves, and fur­ther, they assume that’s par for the course. It isn’t. In fact this whole “self-love vs self-improve­­ment” thing is a… 

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How to Supercharge Your Learning and Self-Improvement: The Golden Ratio of Communication

One of my favorite pieces of ancient wis­dom comes from the Sto­ic philoso­pher Epicte­tus: We have two ears and one mouth so that we can lis­ten twice as much as we speak. Sure, that may not be the real rea­son we have two ears and one mouth, but it reveals a use­ful pat­tern that we see repeat­ed in com­mu­ni­ca­tion in gen­er­al. Com­mu­ni­ca­tion essen­tial­ly has two parts: trans­mis­sion and… 

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What’s the Point of Self-Improvement Anyway?

There’s a para­dox with self-improve­­ment and it is this: the ulti­mate goal of all self-improve­­ment is to reach the point where you no longer feel the need to improve your­self. Think about it: The whole goal of improv­ing your pro­duc­tiv­i­ty is to reach the point where you nev­er have to think about how to be more pro­duc­tive. The whole point of pur­su­ing hap­pi­ness is to reach the point where… 

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How To Become Ridiculously Self-Aware In 20 Minutes

Four years ago my sis­ter got me some­thing that would dra­mat­i­cal­ly alter the direc­tion of my life. In fact, it was prob­a­bly the most influ­en­tial gift I’ve ever received. It would help me find my true call­ing, become a writer at the Huff­in­g­ton Post, and go on a 5‑month road trip across Amer­i­ca by myself. You know what it was? One of these… A jour­nal. A freak­ing journal.… 

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How to be 1% Better Every Day

“Com­pound­ing is the great­est math­e­mat­i­cal dis­cov­ery of all time.” — Albert Ein­stein The quest to become a bet­ter ver­sion of your­self often feels like a roller coast­er ride. It’s hard. And it’s usu­al­ly so uneven. You can end in fail­ure. But life is a jour­ney, not a marathon, so you always have anoth­er oppor­tu­ni­ty to restart and improve. Many peo­ple prac­ti­cal­ly look out for secrets,… 

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Stop Ignoring These 7 Inspiring Truths (and Become Your Best Self Today)

Peo­ple know who they have the poten­tial to be. The chal­lenge is see­ing that process through. Self-devel­op­­ment is an art. It takes time. It requires patience. It asks you to step out­side your com­fort zone. It is chal­leng­ing — and that’s the point. How­ev­er, the biggest chal­lenge when it comes to self-devel­op­­ment is the process itself. Peo­ple real­ly strug­gle with the path and all its twists and turns, much more than… 

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