How to be 1% Better Every Day

“Com­pound­ing is the great­est math­e­mat­i­cal dis­cov­ery of all time.” — Albert Ein­stein

The quest to become a bet­ter ver­sion of your­self often feels like a roller coast­er ride. It’s hard. And it’s usu­al­ly so uneven. You can end in fail­ure. But life is a jour­ney, not a marathon, so you always have anoth­er oppor­tu­ni­ty to restart and improve.

Many peo­ple prac­ti­cal­ly look out for secrets, tricks, and hacks that will make EVERYTHING bet­ter right now. But unfor­tu­nate­ly life doesn’t work that way. There are no “overnight suc­cess­es”. Think of all the incred­i­ble peo­ple you tru­ly admire. They didn’t suc­ceed beca­sue of one giant move, but rather a series of small and con­sis­tent actions over time.

Stop aiming for radical personal change!

“Be patient with your­self. Self-growth is ten­der; it’s holy ground. There’s no greater invest­ment.” — Stephen Covey

A mag­ic bul­let can­not save you! You’ve got to embrace the process and enjoy it. You can’t escape the hard work it takes to get bet­ter. Every incred­i­bly suc­cess­ful per­son you know today has been through the bor­ing, mun­dane, time-test­ed process that even­tu­al­ly brings suc­cess. So, stop look­ing for “quick hacks” that bring faster results.

Instead of read­ing every self-improve­ment post for the one gold­en tip that will make you super­hu­man­ly effi­cient, focus on doing the actu­al work that needs to be done. You can inspire your­self to take action. The hard, long process is the only way though. You can’t achieve tremen­dous life suc­cess with a quick fix. Nobody gets it that easy.

Orig­i­nal Article

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